Good times to remember to schedule an appointment:

1.     On your birthday. It’s your personal new year.

2.     Around the New Year. There’s a lot of energy associated with the New Year to release the past and make new commitments.

3.     Before any big event – for grounding, clarity, and calm.

4.     When you feel stuck, or weighed down, or angry, or unhappy, or…

5.     When you need clarity or a different perspective on something.

6.     Regularly to keep your energy field clean and your inner conversation at a higher, clearer level.

7.     Before any big decision.

8.     When you’re facing physical challenges.

9.     For general self-care, wellbeing, and love of yourself.

10.  Because it makes you feel better, clearer, lighter, more grounded and surer about who you are.

11.  For insights regarding a relationship that might be challenged.

12.  When you feel lost or confused and wonder what to do.

13.  When you feel like you’re bursting forth from your cocoon and about to fly!


My Contract with Myself