My Contract with Myself

We all have inspired ideas for how we can grow into a better version of ourselves. Here’s one that has worked well for me. I share it with the hope that it is useful.

In January of last year, I created a document in my notes on my phone that I dubbed, “My Contract with Myself”. The intention is to read through this daily in a meditative way, feeling the words as if they are already true. This contract is not a static statement. Each day, as I read and feel my way through it, I notice if there are places where the words no longer feel right. Maybe that issue has healed. Maybe a word or phrase isn’t quite right. Maybe I’ve learned something new about a specific part and I need to expand it or adjust it in some way. If so, I make any necessary changes.

My contract opens with calling in protection for my energy field. This is something we suggest everyone do. (For more about this, see Protecting Your Energy Field.)

Next, I state that I am released from patterns that no longer serve me, known and unknown. Then I delineate several in particular that I know I’m working on. For example, one I have is, “I am grounded, centered, and confident in who I am rather than needing to please or be affirmed by others.” Notice that this is stated in the present positive, as if it is already true. A part of mine that feels relevant to many is this, “I process all my emotions as energy passing through me with grace, ease, and acceptance. I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am.”

Mine has several other passages specific to my spiritual journey, though the closing is universal. “And so it is. Yes, yes, yes. This or something higher.” I trust there is a perspective much holier and wiser than mine, and I want to leave room for that! “This or something higher” is something I add to any prayer or intention I invoke. Be as honest and specific as you can be, and then surrender it.

For me, my daily contract has become an important 5-10 minutes in my day. I feel powerful, hopeful, and grounded afterwards. I highly recommend it and would love to hear about it if you try it!


Good times to remember to schedule an appointment:


Protecting Your Energy Field